
How often should you replace outdoor furniture cushions?


Many people today have outdoor furniture areas complete with seating and tables. This can be so relaxing and convenient for friends and family. One of the areas where many homeowners are lax is when it comes to replacing outdoor furniture cushions.

Most of these cushions are manufactured out of some type of foam product. One of the most popular is memory foam and there are numerous items made of this type of foam. From chair cushions to mattresses, memory foam is a very good product. Eggcrate foam has been popular for years and many mattress toppers are made of this type of foam. This is an inexpensive product that does a good job.

Bacteria and foam products

One of the major problems with all types of foam is there are numerous is that it can and does absorb moisture. This is especially true of outdoor furniture cushions. As the seasons change, rain, wind and humidity can cause this foam to break down. Once it is wet, bacteria will begin to grow. Without realizing it your outdoor furniture cushions can be filled with all types of harmful bacteria.

The good news is that these types of cushions are not expensive to replace. Even if you’re on a tight budget you will be able to find new outdoor furniture cushions for an affordable price depending upon how many you need.

Replacing outdoor furniture cushions

Discard the old cushions. Clean your outdoor furniture with soap and water. Be sure to let the furniture dry completely before adding the new cushions. Consider purchasing furniture covers for your outdoor couches and chairs so that the foam will last longer.

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